Once you have lived in Mumbai, no other city is good enough!


Let’s start with a random but one of my favorite quotes – “Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things. And no good thing ever dies.” – from the movie ‘Shawshank Redemption’. Pretty random, eh? But this quote definitely gets me going even in the worst of times.

Welcome to my webpage! I’m Ajay Kulkarni. I completed my Bachelor of Engineering in 2013 from Mumbai University and fortunately, a British Investment Bank found me capable enough to work for them.

After working for 2 years, I realized that I want to continue my undergrad research work. I had developed keen interest in Programming Language and Security and I voluntarily took up research projects in my undergrad on these topics. I’m chasing my dream by doing a Master’s degree in Computer Science, specializing in Distributed Systems, Algorithms & Cloud Computing (sidetracked security).


Outstanding Student of the Year - Bachelors (2009 - 13)

Best Project - IEEE (2013)

Best Project Display Award - Bachelors (2013)

Third Prize - Int’l Level Technical Paper Presentation Competition (2012)

Bayer Scholarship for Academic and Career Excellence (2011)

Best Student Chapter in India - CSI (2011)



I love emails. Don’t be shy.



ACM SIGSPATIAL Cup 2016 – Apache Spark, Hadoop, Java, Scala, Python

In-Memory Geo-Spatial Database System – C++

Hunterr: Alexa Skill for Job Hunt – Java, Alexa, AWS Lambda

OpenStack User Activity Monitoring and Recommendation System – OpenStack, Apache Solr, Express.js, Node.js, ELK stack

Geolocation Prediction of Instagram Images – Python, Apache Spark, AngularJS

Secure Banking System – Java, Spring MVC, PostgreSQL

Vogon Web: Online Text Annotation Application – Django, Python, AngularJS

Compiler Design – C++

Secure VoIP Application for Organizations – Java, MySQL

H.264 Video Encryption Algorithm – Java


Ajay Kulkarni and Saurabh Kulkarni, “An Open Source P2P Encrypted VoIP Application” International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications(IJACSA), 5(6), 2014. arXiv: 1407.0292 [cs.PL], DOI: 10.14569/IJACSA.2014.050601

Ajay Kulkarni, Saurabh Kulkarni, Ketki Haridas and Aniket More. Article: Proposed Video Encryption Algorithm v/s Other Existing Algorithms: A Comparative Study. International Journal of Computer Applications 65(1):1-5, March 2013. arXiv: 1303.3485 [cs.CR], DOI: 10.5120/10885-5777

Ajay Kulkarni, Saurabh Kulkarni, Ketki Haridas and Aniket More. Article: H.264 Video Encryption Algorithm for High-End Mobile Devices. IEEE International Conference: Recent Advances in Engineering and Management, January 12, 2013. Proceedings published by McGraw Hill ISBN: 978-1-25-906392-3